
Location: 1096 N Main St, Orange, CA 92867

Date: February 3, 2018 10:30 am

Our Friends at the Orange County Poolplayers Association are once again stepping up and hosting pool players from all across Southern California for the Carol Wade Memorial Tournament on Saturday, February 3, 2018 at Danny K’s in Orange, CA.  Proceeds of the tournament will be benefiting Fuck Cancer.

A message from Orange County APA League Operator, Vicki Wade…

“Hi Everyone,

As all of you know, my mother, Carol Wade, passed away from Stage 4 Colon cancer on September 30, 2016. She was only 59. She was originally diagnosed on August 2, 2016 and the cancer spread so quickly, that she didn’t even have an opportunity to fight.

We are looking to make a large donation to the wonderful local non-profit organization, Fuck Cancer, in her name. We will be donating 100% of proceeds to them.

We are still in need of raffle prizes for the event. If you know of anyone who can donate any goods or services, please call me at 714-674-7665.

For those of you who cannot make it to the event but would like to donate in her name, there has been a GoFundMe account set up in my moms name. Please visit the events GoFundMe page to donate

I appreciate all of you. My mom never knew the impact she had on everyone. She was one special woman. The support of everyone has been humbling and overwhelming and I cannot thank all of you enough for your support during this last year.

Let’s all pool together and celebrate the amazing woman that my mom was. She is still with us in every shot we take and every miss we make.”

Tournament Info:
No 3 Foul Rule
Double Elimination
Race To 2 On The Winners Side
Race To 1 On The Losers Side
No Handicaps
$25 Entry ($15 Donation – $10 Payback)

*For more info on the Orange County American Poolplayers Association, CLICK HERE!