Amazon Smile
Shopping on Amazon Smile is no-hassle way to donate to the F C Cancer Foundation at no cost to you!
If you’re planning to shop online through Amazon, be sure to use Your Amazon shopping experience will be the same, but if you select the F C Cancer Foundation as your charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price on millions of items to us!
How it works:
- Visit or click the button above, and then log in or create your Amazon account.
- After you’ve signed in, you will see a box that suggests a charity. Under that option is an area that states “Or pick your own charitable organization:” with a space for you type in a custom entry. There, you will add “F C Cancer Foundation”.
- After you have completed the steps above, you will receive an email confirming your selection. Once verified, you can then start shopping and know that you are supporting our cause with every purchase! Most items are “Amazon Smile Eligible”, but if an item isn’t you will receive notification.
- Once you have checked out and finished your purchase, be sure to share with all of your friends and family, so that their purchases can help the F C Cancer Foundation without any additional costs.
- Please keep in mind you MUST start shopping at in order for your purchase to be eligible.
For more information and FAQs on Amazon Smiles, please click here.