Nearly 17 million Americans share one thing in common…they’re cancer survivors. While the F C Cancer Foundation recognizes these amazing warriors every day, the month of June allows everyone to pay tribute through National Cancer Survivor Month.
It’s also an opportunity for all 16.9 million survivors to celebrate their achievements and show love to their families, caregivers, and support systems. As many will share, it takes a village to conquer a beast like cancer. It’s that village that’s put into action, immediately upon diagnosis and sees you through the ups and downs clear to remission.
And, it’s the same team that continues the journey as each survivor faces uncertain emotional, physical, and financial challenges. Just because the battle may be over, the war continues. Cancer survivors continue to rely upon their villages to address each adversity with strength and resilience.
Just as survivors are celebrating, it’s an opportunity for anyone recently diagnosed to recognize that they too can defy the odds and put time back into their hands.
Celebrate with the F C Cancer Foundation by sharing your story of survivorship on our Facebook page. Let’s celebrate successes and inspire others so they can fulfill their dreams and find joy.
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