
Sonic Temple VIP Experience 2024

Stop 2 of the Fuck Cancer Awareness Tour takes us to Columbus, OH for the Sonic Temple Music Festival in Columbus, OH with 19 year old cancer warrior, Olivia Benson. What a memorable experience for Olivia to be able to meet some of her favorite bands and experience the festival like the true VIP she is! Relive some of her weekend and share in the experience. #togetherwefight

Special thanks to our friends and partners at Spencer’s Gifts for helping us make these experiences happen. Make sure to stop in at your local Spencer’s Gifts store to show your support and help us make more of these dreams happen!

Shout out to the team at  @DannyWimmerPresents  for supporting Fxck Cancer and helping us make dreams come true!

Want to help us make these dreams happen? Click here to donate!